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May 11, 2017
Community *Sparks: Eight Years
Storycatchers community member Kate beautifully takes on the topic of missing your mom. Grief takes no days off, and in many cases is often

May 10, 2017
Community *Sparks: Birthing Warrioress
I am celebrating my youngest child's birthday today and with Mother's Day this week, I thought it would be fitting to share a little bit...

May 8, 2017
Continuation: Nick Voices from our Mental Health Community
One of my favorite parts of stories is that they are never done. Once we have told them, they shift and our past continues to be shaped...

Apr 10, 2017
Afterglow: "Why?"
As I've said before, I love capturing the swirl of emotion, creativity and sense of community that comes from attending our Storycatchers...

Apr 9, 2017
Afterglow: What I Want is a Story to Tell
One of my favorite parts of doing our Live events is how stories create MORE stories. How by coming together to share our experiences, we...

Apr 7, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Jordan Brown and Katie Chicquette Adams
We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage event. Tickets are...

Apr 5, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Kathryn Gahl and Kathy Vivoda
We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage event. Tickets are...

Apr 1, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Jill Swenson and Jonathon Fernandez
We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage event. Tickets are...

Mar 30, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Rebecca Sgarlotti and Karen Park
We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage Event. Tickets are...

Mar 28, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Cheri Miller and Franklin Chen
We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage Event. Tickets are...

Mar 25, 2017
Meet the Tellers: Dan Flannery & Ann Koenig
We've had some amazing tellers take to the Storycatchers stage this past year. Some tellers are 'one and done'. Proving to themselves...

Mar 24, 2017
Storycatchers Main Stage Event
Get your tickets here: We are celebrating our one year anniversary of bringing community...

Mar 21, 2017
Afterglow: Into the Light
I'd be lying if I said I've been fully able to wrap my head around Saturday night. Thirteen members of our community taking to the stage...

Mar 14, 2017
Out of the Shadows
Mental health awareness and understanding has always been close to my heart. In fact, I dedicated my schooling (undergrad in psychology, mas

Feb 15, 2017
Jill 'Love Notes'
What do cabin fever, a herd of goats and 3 expiring condoms have in common? Why, a love story of course! Listen as Storycatchers Jill...

Feb 13, 2017
Storycatchers Afterglow
We had another spectacular night of stories this weekend, packing 130 people into The Draw and filling the walls with laughter, tears and...

Feb 10, 2017
Love Notes
A 16-year-old girl writes "To my husband to be" in the yearbook of the boy that would in fact, years later become her husband.

Jan 15, 2017
Soul of the Cities
We are so excited to get to share the stories we capture in yet another way with our community - through a radio segment on 91.1 The...

Dec 21, 2016
Rachel 'Awkward Family Gatherings'
As if family gatherings weren't awkward enough, Rachel had to tell her parents that their little boy was a woman.

Dec 18, 2016
Dan Storycatchers Live Holiday Edition: 'Awkward Family Gatherings'
We had a great time last Friday night swapping our awkward family and holiday stories. Teller Dan mixed both the holidays in with a...

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