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Dec 7, 2016
Lorelei 'Things That Go Bump in the Night'
What happens when those that are supposed to protect you from the evil in the world become the very thing that goes bump in the night?

Nov 19, 2016
Community *Sparks: Facebook Eulogy
It is my pleasure to share another piece of writing that has been shared with me by a member of our Storycatchers community. I met Ann...

Nov 17, 2016
Pocket of Sorrow Six Feet Deep
A mother takes her children to the cemetery for the first time. Allowing her children and herself to learn a little about life and a lot abo

Nov 16, 2016
Karen 'Things That Go Bump in the Night'
Karen tells a story of being young, a little lost and a long way from home. Listen to the recording of Karen's story from Storycatchers...

Nov 10, 2016
Community *Sparks
For the month of November there is a group of the Storycatchers' community that are writing it all out. Every day I send an e-mail with...

Nov 1, 2016
Introducing *Spark
One of the most common comments I get when I bring up being a writer is, "I wish I could write. I never know where to start." It is...

Oct 28, 2016
Ira Glass + The Clash
As children a brother and sister made up their own radio station... almost 25 year years later they are back on the radio together...this ti

Oct 27, 2016
Whiskey, Wine and Women
It was the perfect recipe for a Wednesday night. It rained all day causing the leaves to fall and stick to the streets, the air crisp...

Oct 25, 2016
'Things That Go Bump In The Night...'
This past Saturday we dusted off {some of} the cobwebs, lit the candelabras and haunted the old Monestary, The Refuge, with our most...

Oct 16, 2016
Listen to Tara on the Glistening Particles Podcast
I had the pleasure of a mutual friend connecting me with Jane who runs an amazing podcast where she interviews people she hardly knows about

Aug 12, 2016
Memories of the Mile
I had a wonderful time interviewing and recording Mile of Music festival goers this past weekend. I am so proud of my brother for...

Aug 5, 2016
Join Us at Mile of Music
Join us at Mile of Music for Storycatchers: Memories of the Mile Calling all bands, music makers, volunteers, sponsors and festival...

Aug 4, 2016
Storycatchers Writers Meetup
Storycatchers Writers Meetup August 17th 3:00-5:00pm at The Refuge Join us for an informal story seeking and crafting session! First...

Jul 1, 2016
Storycatchers Fireside Sessions
It was a dark and increasingly stormy night... but we didn't mind! 100 of us cozied up around the campfire and listened to 15 unique...

Jun 2, 2016
Capturing Magic
It's hard to describe the magic that was made this past Saturday night. It feels like the first day back from summer camp when my family...

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