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Storycatchers Main Stage Event

Writer's picture: Tara PohlkotteTara Pohlkotte

We are celebrating our one year anniversary of bringing community stories to the stage in the only way we know how - by bringing even MORE stories your way!

We have been absolutely thrilled this past year since the start of our 'Live' event offerings to bring 158 stories to the stage to almost 1,000 audience members. And we've asked back some of our past fan-favorite tellers to take to the stage for a Special fundraising event to support the mission of the nonprofit* Storycatchers.

Storycatchers' mission is to create community through shared story space believing we all have stories to tell. In the two years that Storycatchers has been functioning, we have hosted 10 writers meetups & workshops, 10 live events, 6 pop-up recording booths, in addition to bringing the love of stories and finding our own voice into schools and local organizations.

It is also a fundamental belief of Storycatchers that since stories belong to us all, that coming together in story space should never be denied due to financial burden. That has been why all of the events and stories we have captured and shared have existed with no up-front monetary price asked for participation. We have been able to do so through the incredible support of partnership in our community. And yet, even with the generosity of our gracious partners and hosts, costs still are incurred.

We're hoping that through hosting an amazing night of stories, well worth your $10 ticket price, that you will join with us by financially supporting the mission of creating space to capture and share our community stories.

A night of amazing stories AND ensuring the continuation of story collecting and sharing?

A win-win for us all!

We also have an option when you are purchasing a ticket to name your price (over the minimum $10 price). Doing so will cover the costs should an attendee wish to attend but not have the funds to do so, OR to go straight into Storycatchers programming.

We will be rolling out special teller spotlights here and on the Facebook Event so grab your ticket, watch for the updates rolling in and enjoy this all-gloves-are-off for this special Storycatchers event. No story topic restrictions, extended story time, and even some audience interaction and gauntlet style story slamming.

*Please note that Storycatchers is not yet a 501(c)3 so all taxes still apply.

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