We have been introducing you to the tellers who will be stepping up to the microphone for our April 8th Main Stage Event. Tickets are available and will serve as a fundraiser to help support Storycatchers mission and programming. You can buy your tickets HERE.
Rebecca Sgarlotti
Rebecca bravely showed up to my very first Storycatchers workshops I ever held in 2015. I had just stepped onto this journey, not knowing what I doing besides the fact that I wanted this 'thing' to exist. In walked Rebecca, unknown to me and out tripped one of the 5 million hilarious and wonderful stories she's got just tucked into her pockets, and she's hung in with it all since. She was the first person to say 'yes' when I asked if she would tell a story if we did a live event. She's become a friend and a trusted advisor for Storycatchers and I still can't wait to hear what story comes out of her next.

My hobbies are collecting weird experiences and writing, so getting involved with Storycatchers has been perfect for me!
Listen to the last hilarious story Rebecca shared at our 'Love Notes' event HERE.
Karen Park
Karen is a newer and most welcome edition into our Storycatchers family. She mixes life experiences and wit together masterfully as you find yourself giggling and rooting for her to make her way out of whatever experience it is that she's gotten herself into. I can't wait to hear what Karen comes up with to share with us on the 8th and for all of the stories in the future that she will share.

Karen Park is a professor of religious studies at St. Norbert college. Her research focuses on sacred space, the history of American Catholicism, and new religious movements. She also writes frequently on issues of Religion and Politics for popular publications like Religion Dispatches and the Los Angeles Review of Books. She was raised in Massachusetts and Wisconsin and has lived in Appleton for the last 15 years. She and her husband Martyn are happily raising their 4 children. They all love to travel and will be headed to Peru this summer to explore Macchu Picchu.
Listen to Karen tell her 'Things that go Bump in the Night' story HERE
They're pretty great, huh?!? Don't forget to snag your ticket now before they are gone to hear their stories April 8th!