What We Believe
The purpose of Storycatchers is to create community through shared story space, believing we all have stories to tell.
What We Do
Currently based out of Appleton Wisconsin, Storycatchers captures and encourages story sharing in a variety of ways. We hold:
Storycatchers Live - Storytelling nights where community tellers share personal stories surrounding loose and changing themes.
Storycatchers Sessions - Pop-up Recording studios where anyone can come and record their own stories, or interview and share moments with their loved ones. The studio is mobile – popping up in the street, music festivals, farmers market, nursing homes, hospitals, schools etc. Allowing the teller to walk out with their stories pressed in their hand.
Storycatchers Workshops & Retreats- where participants came come and dedicate time to the art of story. This is a space to collaborate, encourage and hone our stories surrounded by others on the same journey. Workshops are also available to corporations, non-profits, and organizations to learn how to tell organizational stories.
Storycatchers Kids - We bring Storycatchers into schools and into other events to record, help with the writing process and to encourage kids with the belief that we all have stories to tell, and the power that comes from sharing these stories in our own voices.
Coming soon...
Anthology books - Compiling stories created by the community to be sold for the benefit of the community.
Interested in an idea not listed above? Please contact us, as we're always open to new ways to capture and share.
Who We Are
2010 - present
2010 - present

Tara Pohlkotte (Storycatchers founder), is a published poet, author and award-winning blogger. Her latest stand-alone work is a collection of essays and poetry surrounding motherhood called: Dreamcatcher. She holds a master’s degree in Human Services: Marriage and Family Therapy and is a volunteer grief group facilitator. She is dedicated to the process of discovering how individual stories tie to our greater community stories, having served terms on the Appleton Post-Crescent’s Editorial Board, and as a Community Columnist. She teaches podcasting as an Artist in Residence teacher at Renaissance School for the Arts and is currently serving an Artist in Residence with local schools teaching poetry and telling our own stories. She recently was awarded the Future 15 award by Pulse Young Professionals Network as acknowledgement of the professional and philanthropic work done in her community.
E-mail: tara@storycatcherscommunity.com | 920.915.0020